The Thanksgiving Treasure (aka The Holiday Treasure) 1973 DVD (Region 1 - Plays in North America - the US, Canada, Mexico, etc.). Color.
Starring: Jason Robards, Barnard Hughes, Lisa Lucas, Mildred Natwick, Kathryn Walker, Heather Graham. Written by Eleanor Perry from a story by Gail Rock. Directed by Paul Bogart. New, temporary price reduction.
In this sequel to "THE HOUSE WITHOUT A CHRISTMAS TREE", it is 1947 and heroine Addie Mills (Lisa Lucas), who is being raised by her widower father and his mother, befriends a horse while she is out collecting items for an autumn bouquet for her teacher. Unfortunately, the horse belongs to a crusty old codger named Walter Rhenquist (Barnard Hughes), who hates Addie's dad because a pond James Mills dug for him leaked (James had warned him it was a bad place to put a pond, but he wouldn't listen). When Addie's teacher tells the class a story about the Pilgrims befriending the Indians, she decides to befriend her dad's enemy by bringing him Thanksgiving dinner. A new friendship is the surprising result.
This is a wonderfully nostalgic story that looks so authentic you would swear you were peeking into a window at 1947. The children's radio play is delightfully true to the period. With evocative cinematography and an Arthur B. Rubenstein score that compliments perfectly.