WW and The Dixie Dancekings 1975 DVD Burt Reynolds Art Carney Mel Tillis Jerry Reed dance kings

W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings (DVD) 1975 Burt Reynolds, Jerry Reed, Ned Beatty, Connie Van Dyke, Don Williams, James Hampton, Rick Hurst, Mel Tillis and Furry Lewis

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W.W. and the Dixie Dancekings 1975 DVD (Region 1 - Playable in North America - The US, Canada, Mexico, etc.) Full Frame. Color. New, lower price.

Starring: Burt Reynolds, Art Carney, Jerry Reed, Ned Beatty, Connie Van Dyke, Don Williams, James Hampton, Rick Hurst, Mel Tillis, Furry Lewis. Written by Thomas Rickman. Directed by John G. Avildsen.

W.W. is an easy-going thief who makes a living holding up gas stations at their drive-up windows. The Dixie Dancekings are a country band who are looking for their big break. When W.W. hijacks the band's car, he tries to get them to help him with his next bank job, but the group resists until they find out how much money is involved. The relationship becomes mutually beneficial when the Dancekings help W.W. to finance their break into show business, and W.W. grows to like the band and uses his charm to help them on their way.

"Back in 1957, sweet-talking W.W. lived in a '55 Olds, loved bubble gum, Errol Flynn, country music, fried chicken, robbing filling stations, and a girl named Dixie. Not necessarily in that order."

"Big Bad Burt. After he sticks you up, you'll be sorry to see him go."

Review: "Reynolds moves through the movie with his usual ease, relaxed and ingratiating and flashing a con man's smile. He's an engaging actor, especially when he has an attractive actress to work with..." - Roger Ebert